Karsten International is an ambitious import/trading company in non-food consumers products for daily use. We import products relating to personal care, daily cleaning and office needs. Products are made in customer private label brands and own brands. The customer base includes nearly all supermarkets and non-food retailers in the Benelux. Karsten International keeps stock and outsources its logistics to several partners. We do this with a young team at our office in Amsterdam.
Karsten International aims to connect the manufacturer with the retailer in the most efficient way.
We, our suppliers and our customers have a common goal: to fulfil mass consumer needs by providing the highest value products at the lowest price. Our role in achieving this goal is by utilising our strengths in what we really do. That is optimal sourcing and operational excellence within a one level organization.
Value strategy
The value strategy of Karsten International is Operational Excellence. We strive to excel in the proper and efficient performance of all company processes, leading to lower prices we can offer and, ultimately, economies of scale.
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Richard van Panhuis