Standplaats: ROTTERDAM
Duur: 01-04-2025 - 01-07-2026
Optie tot verlenging: Ja
Reageren voor: 25-03-2025
Work you can be proud of. This is what you will do.
As Stedin, together with other parties, we are working on the energy system of the future. To do this, we expand the grids, make the system smarter and work on solutions to optimise the design and use of the energy system.
System Operations ensures that energy flows are as safe and undisturbed as possible. We are also responsible for operational management and monitoring, controlling and analysing the safety of the grids. In this, we have a leading and guiding role. In the coming years, electricity demand will continue to increase and so will the dynamics on the network as a result of both centralised and decentralised energy sources. Being able to manage more dynamics requires measurement and control. Increasing intelligence in the energy system and autonomous operation. And heat, hydrogen, storage, smart devices, conversion etc. will be integrated into the new system. This requires the development of new capabilities focused on data, analytics, competences and, for instance, autonomous control within the system. Here, it is important to understand the future mechanisms in the energy system and translate them back to today. Does the future match the actions we are doing today as system operators? Are we making the right improvements? Looking ahead, doing, learning and adapting.
Within the GO! programme, we are working on developing capabilities to better manage, monitor and control our energy grids. System Operations wants to be able to guarantee security of supply to all electricity connections. To this end, System Operations will need to have functionalities (technology, data) and skills (people, organisation) to perform load forecasts and grid security analyses.
To this end, DERMS functionality will be implemented for five feeder areas. This epic, DERMS Phase 1, will focus on proving the epic hypothesis. The epic hypothesis is twofold:
• Business functionality: can DERMS provide the functionality desired for Stedin, to detect and mitigate transmission problems? And can this functionality be used in System Operations business processes?
• Architecture: Does the chosen architecture for DERMS provide a working, secure and performing environment? Indeed, this epic will be the first implementation of GE's GridOS platform.
With positive results, in a later subsequent phase (follow-up epic) the DERMS functionality will actually be deployed by System Operations.
In this epic, the following DERMS functionalities will be tested:
• Transport problems can be recognised & mitigation measures can be deployed for the selected areas
• Network models in DERMS can be imported from ADMS
• Multi-interval power flow, Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and heuristic optimisation based on hourly intervals is possible
• Interface between DERMS and GOPACS is available as a dummy
• Contract management, administration and settlement available so that this DERMS functionality can eventually (partially) take over PIEK functionality.
The DERMS Phase 1 epic is planned from Q2 2025 to Q3 2026.
Your strengths. Make us happy.
As an epic owner/project leader, systems thinking, stakeholder management, sustainability and regulations are no strangers to you. You are a thinker and doer. You are able to move and communicate yourself successfully at different levels. You believe in the need for good cooperation and know how to achieve results together. You bring structure and overview and you connect easily. You take initiative and translate problem situations into concrete products, solutions or advice and play an active role in securing them. Furthermore, you are curious and aware of market developments and of the various forces in your environment. You know how to connect people and get them moving.
More specifically:
• DERMS specialist with practical implementation experience in Utilities
• Senior EMS/DMS/SCADA, project manager and program manager transformation
• Experience with leading IT/OT environment for TSO/DSO
• Cyber security and ICT management
• Architecture design in TSO/DSO environment
• Renewable energy integration and digital transformation
• Business continuity and crisis management
• Experience with SCRUM & Agile working
A good team. That's where you belong.
Right from day one, you will be part of the GO program team within System Operations department. The department consists of driven, ambitious and enthusiastic colleagues. A team with a sense of responsibility, with a professional but informal atmosphere. We depend on each other's knowledge and solve issues together. A group of result-oriented, enthusiastic colleagues who are always there for each other and expect the same from you.
• The specialist will be added to the existing GO Programme Team on a T&M basis
• The assignment will run from 1 April to 30 June
• Availability of 4d/ week is requested for this assignment
• The assignment will be carried out onsite ~2d/week; remote work is possible for the rest, in consultation with the GO programme manager
• Native English is an option
- Akkoord procedure en (broker) voorwaarden
Voor brokervoorwaarden:
- Tariefindexatie is niet toegestaan
- Tarieven dienen all-in te zijn. Losse declaraties zijn niet toegestaan
- Na één kalenderjaar kan de kandidaat eventueel kosteloos worden overgenomen door Stedin
- Indien er sprake is van een deta-vastconstructie dien je de salarisindicatie van de kandidaat te vermelden en eventuele secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden.
Kandidaat dient de Nederlandse taal machtig te zijn in woord en geschrift, een aanbieding op deze aanvraag is hierbij een akkoordverklaring
Kandidaat heeft minimaal een aantoonbare afgeronde HBO/WO opleiding in relevante richting
Kandidaat heeft minimaal 7 jaar aantoonbare werkervaring als in een soort gelijke rol
Kandidaat is specialist in DER-beheersystemen met praktische implementatie ervaring
Kandidaat heeft Senior EMS/DMS/SCADA, project manager en program manager transformatie ervaring
De aanvraag betreft een ondersteunde rol en volgt instructies op van leidinggevende. Dit past NIET binnen de wet DBA. Hierdoor is het NIET mogelijk om ZZP'ers te contracteren. Eventueel geïnteresseerde ZZP'ers kunnen zich op detacheringsbasis (= in loondienst) laten aanbieden door een bureau.
Het CV is voorzien van referenties (naam, functie en contactgegevens referent) of deze kunnen op aanvraag aangeleverd worden.
Indien je een kandidaat aanmeld voor de deta-vastconstructie dien je onderstaande gegevens van de kandidaat in het CV te vermelden. Let op: staan deze gegevens niet in het CV vermeld, wordt de kandidaat afgewezen.
- salarisindicatie
- eventuele secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
- akkoordverklaring kosteloze overname na één kalenderjaar
- het privé e-mailadres van de kandidaat m.b.t. de aanvraag v.h. online assessment
- referenties (naam, functie en contactgegevens referent)
Via welke broker dient de opdracht te lopen in het geval van gunning?
Graag marktconform aanbieden.
Tarieven dienen all in te zijn. Losse declaraties zijn niet toegestaan
Via welke inleen-constructie wordt de kandidaat aangemeld?
De kandidaat beschikt over onderstaande competenties. Deze kunnen worden getoetst in een gesprek met de opdrachtgever.
- Goed kunnen plannen
- Verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel
- Flexibele instelling
- Goede communicatieve vaardigheden
- Resultaatgericht
- Proactief
- Luistervaardig
Is de kandidaat eerder werkzaam geweest binnen Stedin?
Indien kandidaat eerder werkzaam is geweest binnen Stedin dan dient de reden van vertrek in het CV te staan. Tevens worden intern referenties ingewonnen. Mocht de reden van vertrek en de referentie(s) niet overeenkomen, dan wordt de toelating in het Dynamisch Aankoopsysteem ontnomen.