Vacature omschrijving
Safe production and continuous improvement 安?...??"?产&持续?"?进
- To lead our teams and groups to complete production tasks to guarantee quality and quantity. Storage raw material and WIP. 带领本班组保质保量地完成?"?产任务,确保建立?"存,提高在线。
- Ensure that our co-workers strictly accordance with STD implementation, including WES, SOS, WI, 5S, 5 GO/No Go requirement, OM to ensure product quality and safety. Give new inputs to STD owner from production experience. 确保?'?工严格执行标准,?...括但不限于工作要素表,标准作业流程,作业指导书,5S,5Go/No Go 等相?...?要求,保证产?"?质量?'?安?...??"?产。?"有更好的建议?-?及?-?反馈给标准的责任人以更?-?标准,逐步自?'的去更?-??'?维护标准。
- Receive the daily materials, carefully fill in the various forms and records, Data collection-Report in good quality-production system, be responsible for convening meeting or later, deploying and summarize daily job. 领?-?"?-?物?-?,认真填写各种表格?'?记?•。?•?据?"?集-?"?产系统?•?据汇报,负责召开?-?晚会,部署?'?总?"?"?-?工作;
- Accident and Incident report and motivate co-workers to report; 负责事件?'?隐患报?'?的推进,?"励?'?工报?'??'现的隐患?'?安?...?事件。
- Find quality deviations and make action plan; RCPS and problem escalation。?-?于?'现质量偏差,制定行动计?'。对于?'现的?-?题进行根本?-?题分析?'??-?题解决,解决不了的?-?候升级汇报。
- Familiar with IKEA product documentations; Knows CTQ and make regular checking; 熟悉宜家产?"??-?件,了解?...??"?质量参?•?,并定期跟踪检查。
- Continuous improvement. Waste identification, more involvement in improvement activity. improvement ideas, small KAIZEN持续?"?进。识别?"?产中?'现的浪费,对识别到的?-?题可以有更多的?-??-?进行?"??-?活动,?"如小KAIZEN;?-?...提出一些?"?进的想?•。
People management:?'?工?'?• & ?'?工?...?系
- Be responsible for the daily performance appraisal of staff in teams and groups, including production, quality, safety and labor discipline;负责对本班组?'?工的绩?•?进行?-?常考核,?...括产量,质量,安?...?及劳动纪律。
- Responsible for leading the implementation of autonomous team, increase performance, really accelerate continuous improvements: include booking We Share survey, organizing We Talk and autonomous evaluation to make some improvements.负责对?'?工的加工技能,质量意识,安?...?知识,行为及?'?•计?'进行培训?'?指导,纠正?'?工违规?"?作。
- Maintain a harmonious working relationship within the team. 维护本班组?'?谐的劳动?...?系。
- Be responsible for coordinating the relationship between various functional departments and employees, and also with other teams and groups. 负责各职能部?-?与?'?工之?-?的?"络,协调好与?...??-班组的?...?系
Knowledge related to wood manufacturing or similar experiences. 木材加工相?...?知识?-相?...?行业经验。
Management experience from a manufacturing company is preferred. 拥有制造企业管理经验优?...?
Knowledge and experience from managing and leading teams is preferred. ?...?有带领?'?管理团队的经验?'?知识优?...?
Middle school or above 中学及以上